
AGATE. Confidence, Strength, Intelligence, Action, Physical Heart
Available in many different colors and stands for self-confidence, strength and intelligence. Good for helping to think quickly and clearly. Supports the connection between body and soul. Gives courage and power to overcome uncertainty.

AQUAMARINE. Joy of life, Love, Overview, Communication.
Also called the Freedom Stone. Good for health, happiness and love. Promotes joy, courage, laughter, positive thoughts and healing and breaks down self-destructive thoughts.
Creates an overview and provides fertile ground for communication. Can loosen blocked communication and strengthen your ability to express yourself. Communicate your thoughts, boundaries and needs.

AMETHYST. Trust, Wisdom, Confidence, Clairvoyance, Insomnia, Neck tension
Also called the trosten. For love in everyday life, wisdom and psychic awareness. To find peace of mind - inner peace. Promotes intuition, humility, spiritual development and clairvoyance. Manifestation, patience and inspires creativity. Cleanses negative vibrations and strengthens self-confidence.

ROCK CRYSTAL. Master Healer, Clarity, Wisdom, Overview, Insight, Focus
Master healer also called the divine light. A very cleansing stone. Gives strength, clarity and insight. Creates harmony, stimulates your intuitive abilities and lets you find the answers within yourself. Gives you the feeling that "someone" is taking care of you. Use it to connect with your higher self – your intuition. Helps to create clarity of thought and focus. Amplifies the energies of other stones.

CARNELOL. Courage, Joy of life, Balance, Sexuality
Is a love stone. Passion, Grounding, Creativity, Sexuality energy. Promotes steadfastness, the immediate and spontaneous. Actionable. Unleash your creative potential. Brings luck, happiness and opportunities. Gives peace, security, harmony, courage and joy of life. Helps bring dreams to life. Prevents confusion.
Strengthens hormonal balance and promotes sexual drive.

CORAL. Energizing, Confidence, Independence
Energizing and cleansing. Counteracts shyness and strengthens self-confidence and independence. For receiving love. Teaches us the difference between use and abuse. Cleanses the stomach area and the logical left hemisphere, the liver area and helps to transform anger, bitterness and resentment.

WHITE CORAL. Purification, Flexibility, Intellect
Gives purity, brings clarity and cleanses the energy. Flexibility. Promotes femininity and stimulates the sense of identity. Sharpens the mind and strengthens radiance and intellect. Removes stress and dissolves tense muscles.

RED CORAL. Sexuality, Energy, Vitality, Wisdom, Grounding
Powerful crystal that increases energy and vitality. Stimulates, warms and invigorates. Awakens passion and increases sexual desire. For receiving love. Creates peace, wisdom and grounding. Also relieves anemia.

KYANITE. Balance in the chakras, grounding
Kyanite is a powerful tool and helps us feel grounded, strengthened and clear-sighted. Blue Kyanite connects to the throat chakra and the throat chakra is where our truth comes from and when we are able to communicate this truth with the world and feel heard we are on our way to achieving our full potential. 

THE MOON STONE. Peace, Communication, Fertility, Spiritual Contact, Clarity
Integrates the feminine aspect. Heals and strengthens. Life-giving feminine
Divinity. For security and greater clarity and light. Promotes spiritual contact. Strengthens stability and the subconscious. Helps with goals, right choices, and attracting things in the right order.
For openness and communication.

ONYX. Inspiration, Taking responsibility, Stability, Balance, Shadow sides
For protection and inspiration. About taking responsibility, making the right choices and decisions. Black onyx is an ancient gemstone from India and Persia that has been used in jewelry since ancient times. In addition to being a stunning stone to look at, it is also a powerful protective gemstone for the person who wears it. The stone is able to transform negative energy and absorb it.

RHODONITE. Love, Forgiveness, Calming, Relationships
A love stone. About security in all aspects of love and the courage to live out anxiety, achieve peace and security in all situations. Calms anxiety. Stimulates, cleanses and activates the heart - helps you forgive, heal sorrows in your heart. Connects you to nature, to see the past with gentle eyes.

ROSE QUARTZ. Unconditional honesty, Forgiveness, Harmony, Balance. Rose quartz is known as a healing crystal and the stone of unconditional love. Some believe it emits strong vibrations of love which are believed to: Support emotional and relational healing. inspire compassion. Teaches us forgiveness, security, strengthens the power of love and promotes harmony and balance. Empathy. About loving oneself and the environment as we are. Promotes creativity. Security to accept all forms of love – security to be who we are.

SMOKY QUARTZ. Cleansing, Light in the dark, Clarity, Grounding
Powerful crystal. Brings light, harmony and supports you in manifesting what you dream of. Clears negative thoughts, feelings, anxiety, depression and any pent-up feeling. Helps remove mental and emotional blockages, relieve pain and remove negativity from the body. Letting go of dark thoughts, clarity, forgiveness and moving on. Helps us find light in life's dark moments. Provides ground connection.

SODALITE. Initiating, breaking boundaries, Releasing old fears, Overview
A communication and initiating stone. Supports clear communication, self-expression. Gives strength and power to get started with tasks you want to solve. A loving push to dare to make wishes come true. Setting and exceeding limits, testing visions and saying yes and no. Strengthens you in being who you really are, your self-esteem, self-acceptance, belief in yourself and your intuitive abilities. Supports you in being in the moment and on your spiritual path.

EYE OF THE TIGER. Balance the soul , relieve anxiety, rebuild confidence and self-esteem
The stone promotes personal strength, overview, security, speed and clarity of thought. The stone brings out the truth, and helps to act and learn from one's mistakes. The stone helps with concentration and focus, and thus works well against learning difficulties