Magical Radiance & Good Karma

We all know what it’s like to be around people with low, heavy, negative energy. It can be draining. Conversely, when we surround ourselves with individuals who exude positive energy and high-frequency vibrations, it uplifts us. We feel happier, more positive, and energetic.

You have the power to make a conscious choice about the vibrations you surround yourself with and the energy you radiate.

When you work with high positive vibrations, become aware of your own energies, and consciously elevate them, you’ll find that your body becomes lighter and experiences improved health, increased happiness, and boundless energy. You’ll exude a magical radiance.

People typically have an energy field extending at least 6-9 meters around them. So, when you create your own high-vibrational positive energy field, you step out into the world with an invincible shield. You won’t encounter the same resistance from others, and your high-vibrating energy will, in turn, have a positive, contagious effect on the people around you – it’s good karma.


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequencies, and vibrations”

- Nikola Tesla

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How crystals and numbers can raise your frequency

How can we begin to raise our vibrations, frequencies, and energy to attain that magical radiance?

The key is having awareness of your intention, as the high vibrations of love, wisdom, peace, security, joy, power, and self-worth are all energies that others can feel.

You might consider which vibration you wish to work with and develop each day. You can choose a crystal necklace or crystal buttons to support you in your chosen energy. To boost positive energies even further, you can combine the powerful numerological qualities of Lubothé No. T-shirts with the crystals as a potent energy booster.

If you want to radiate and attract energies of love, you can select Rose Quartz, known for its generous and gentle love energy – one of the highest vibrations in the universe. Alternatively, you might opt for the Blue Sodalite crystal, which instills confidence and courage to be yourself and stand strong in any challenge. Another option is the beautiful Clear Quartz, providing insight, harmony, and strength.

By pairing these crystals with Lubothé fine numerological and eco-friendly T-shirts, T-shirt No. 10 will enhance the energy of the crystal, while T-shirt No. 23 will provide extra protection and luck in the energy that the crystal carries.

If you wear a T-shirt No. 23 along with a Tiger’s Eye or Aquamarine necklace, both symbols of courage and leadership, No. 23 will provide additional universal assistance and guidance to harness the powerful vibrations of the crystal necklace. In other words, you’ll radiate a magical, powerful aura of leadership, strength, and happiness.

For more information on the individual crystal buttons and the vibrations of Lubothés crystal jewelry and how they strengthen you, visit the Crystals section. Similarly, you can learn about the different No. T-shirts and their numerological significance and power under Numerology.



“Everything in Life is Energy”

- Albert Einstein